Greatest Hits

"Goodbye Says It All" (Charlie Black, Bobby Fischer, Johnny MacRae)
"I'm Not Strong Enough to Say No" (Robert John "Mutt" Lange)
"Every Once in a While" (Henry Paul, Van Stephenson, Dave Robbins)
"I Sure Can Smell the Rain" (Walt Aldridge, John Jarrard)
"That's Just About Right" (Jeff Black)
"Big Guitar" (Henry Gross, Paul)
"Almost a Memory Now" (Dale Oliver, Stephenson, Robbins)
"There You Have It" (Steve Bogard, Rick Giles)
"Always Have, Always Will" (Robbins)
"Like There Ain't No Yesterday" (Mark Narmore, Aldridge)
"Postmarked Birmingham" (Phil Vassar, Don Sampson)
"Down in Flames" (Michael Clark, Jeff Stevens)
"It Takes a Woman" (Rob Crosby, Roger Murrah, Kitty Murrah, Philip White)
"Ships of Heaven" (Stephenson)